Música y Poesía

Encuentra inspiración en la música y poesía de Eva Martín

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor

Bienvenidos a la página oficial de Eva Martín, cantautora y escritora. Explora su música y poesía que te transportará a un mundo lleno de emociones y sentimientos.

condenser microphone with black background
condenser microphone with black background
photo of black and brown cassette tape
photo of black and brown cassette tape
several guitars beside of side table
several guitars beside of side table
person playing guitar
person playing guitar
purple vinyl record on black and white table
purple vinyl record on black and white table
man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing
man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing
red no music no life signage
red no music no life signage


Si tienes alguna pregunta o quieres colaborar, no dudes en contactarme.

concert photos
concert photos


person holding smartphone taking video of a concert near stage with lights during nighttime
person holding smartphone taking video of a concert near stage with lights during nighttime